SICRI Advisory Board

Chair: Dr Helen Dawson
Helen Dawson is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Pre- and Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology at the University of Tübingen in Germany. Her field of interest is comparative island archaeology with a focus on the Mediterranean and her work explores questions that are still relevant to island communities today, in particular adaptation and sustainability, through the study of their cultural and natural heritage. This entails an exploration of material culture and landscapes to understand colonisation and abandonment processes, cultural interaction, networks and mobility, islander identities and sense of place. Helen was born and raised in Sicily and studied at the Institute of Archaeology UCL and at the University of Cambridge. In 2013, she moved to Germany, joining the Freie Universität in Berlin as a post-doctoral research fellow. Since 2020, she has been an adjunct professor at the Department of History and Culture at the University of Bologna in Italy. She is a long-standing member of the editorial board of Shima having joined in 2007 and a member of SICRI since 2020. Life as an island archaeologist has taken here around the Mediterranean, to the Pacific, and most recently to Jersey in the Channel Islands.
Selected publications:
The “island laboratory” revisited: Integrating environmental and sociocultural approaches (2023). The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 18(4), 547–556 (co-authored with L. Picornell-Gelabert, M. Calvo-Trias, G. Servera-Vives and A. Valenzuela-Oliver)
The Lure of Island Studies. A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation (co-authored with J. Pugh) (2021). In European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds: Interdisciplinary Long-Term Perspectives (eds. L. Dierksmeier, F. Schön, A. Kouremenos, A. Condit, V. Palmowski)
Network science and island archaeology: advancing the debate (2020). The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 16(2–4), 213–230
As good as it gets? “Optimal” marginality in the Longue Durée of the Mediterranean islands (2019). Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 7(4), 451-465
“Island Archaeology” (2019) in Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (ed. C. Smith)
Introduction - Submergence: A special issue on Atlantis and related mythologies (2016) Shima 10(2), 1-9 (co-authored with P. Hayward)
Mediterranean Voyages. The Archaeology of Island Colonisation and Abandonment (2014) Institute of Archaeology Series. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press/Routledge
Archaeology, Aquapelagos and Island Studies (2012). Shima 6(1), 17-21
Archaeological approaches to the cultural construction of islands (2010). Shima 4(1), 1-2 (co-authored with R. Grima, A. Pluskowski and K. Seetah)

Former Chair
Prof. Henry Johnson
Henry Johnson is a Professor at the University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand. He is Co-Director of the university's “Centre for Global Migrations”. His leadership roles have included: Coordinator of the Bachelor of Performing Arts (2019–2020), Associate Dean International (Division of Humanities (2014–2016), and Head of the Music Department (2006–2012). His research interests are in the anthropology of music and culture, Asian Studies, and Island Studies, and he has carried out field research in a number of locations in Europe, Asia, Australasia, and the Pacific. His books include The Koto (Hotei, 2004), Asia in the Making of New Zealand (Auckland UP, 2006; co-edited), Performing Japan (Global Oriental, 2008; co-edited), Cultural Transformations (Rodopi, 2010; co-edited), The Shamisen (Brill, 2010), The Shakuhachi (Brill, 2014), Migration, Education and Translation (Routledge, 2020; co-edited), and Nenes' Koza Dabasa(Bloomsbury, 2021). He has edited, guest edited or co-edited various journals, including Yearbook for Traditional Music, Perfect Beat, Musicology Australia, and New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies.
He studied as an undergraduate student in music at Dartington College of Arts, and then studied ethnomusicology at University of London. He holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford. His innovative research has been recognized as internationally significant with external research funding and awards from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange; Royal Society of New Zealand; European Cooperation in Science and Technology; Seikei University (Japan); and Kagoshima University (Japan). He is currently researching Chinese music in New Zealand. His publications in the field of Island Studies have appeared in various journals, including Shima, Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, Urban Island Studies, Area, and Island Studies Journal.
Selected publications:
“Beyond the Mainland: Okinawa, Palimpsestic Geography and Octogenarian Island Idols,” Popular Music and Society (2020): [ISSN: 0300-7766; 1740-1712]
“‘Island Drum’: Heritage and Transformation in Amami, Japan”, The Galpin Society Journal LXXII (2019): 158–159; 193–203 [ISSN 0072-0127]
“Islands of Design: Reshaping Land, Sea and Space”, Area (2018): 1–7 [ISSN 1475-4762]
“North Meets South: Eisā and the Wrapping of Identity on Okinoerabu Island, Japan” (co-authored with Sueo Kuwahara), Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures 11 (2) (2017): 38–55 [ISSN 1834-6057]
“Triangulations: Musicalized Drama, Folklore and Identity Construction in Nakae Yūji’s A Midsummer’s Okinawan Dream”, Perfect Beat 18 (1) (2017): 7–28 [ISSN 1038-2909]
Web links:

Dr Solène Prince
Solène Prince will soon complete her postdoctoral research project, which was funded by Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden. She is also an affiliated researcher at the European Research Institute (ETOUR). She obtained her PhD in tourism studies from Mid-Sweden University, (Östersund, Sweden) in 2017 during which she explored the livelihoods of community stakeholders involved in rural and alternative tourism. Her research and personal interest in islands and nordic places have taken her to an eco-village in rural Iceland and on the craft-art capital Bornholm in Denmark. She has published extensively in tourism journals on topics such as volunteer tourism, cultural landscapes, non-representational theory and sustainability. Over time, her interest in researching the lives of people involved in the formation of toured spaces has extended to the rural island of Öland in Sweden (close to Kalmar) and to the subantarctic archipelago of the Kerguelen Islands. Her postdoctoral research project is about the experiences of Swedish-Americans seeking their ancestral roots in Sweden and is featured in Annals of Tourism Research and Scandinavian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. She has a master’s of science in sustainable development from Uppsala University, Sweden.
Selected publications:
Science and culture in the Kerguelen Islands: A relational approach to the spatial formation of a subantarctic archipelago. Island Studies Journal, 13(2), (2018), 129-144.
Dwelling in the tourist landscape: Embodiment and everyday life amongst the craft-artists of Bornholm. Tourist Studies, 18(1), (2018), 63-82.
Rural authenticity and agency on a cold-water island: Perspectives of contemporary craft-artists on Bornholm, Denmark. Shima – The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, 11(1), (2017), 1-20.
Peng, G., Prince, S., & Strzelecka, M. (2020). Neolocalism and social sustainability: The case of Öland’s harvest festival, Sweden. In L.J. Ingram, S. Slocum & C.T. Cavaliere (Eds.), Neolocalism and tourism: Understanding a global movement(pp.164-184). Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
Clay, glass and everyday life: Craft-artists’ embodiment in the tourist landscape. In C. Palmer & H. Andrews (Eds.), Tourism and embodiment (pp.172-186), (2020), London: Routledge.
Caption: After a hike on Île Bonaventure, Québec on a sunny day (2019).

Dr Meghan Forsyth
Meghan Forsyth is Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology and Acting Director of the Research Centre for the Study of Music, Media, and Place (MMaP) at Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Her research examines music and dance traditions of the francophone North Atlantic, with particular focus on the Acadian diaspora, creativity, and secular pilgrimage. Since 2015, she has been engaged in collaborative research and publicly-engaged scholarship related to the songs and stories of woods work in Newfoundland and Labrador. She also works on a variety of applied ethnomusicology projects, ranging from digital archives and CDs to exhibits and public programming.
Meghan has published articles in MUSICultures, Journal of the Society for American Music, Island Magazine, and SHIMA: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures, and has a chapter on improvisation in les Îles-de-la-Madeleine in Contemporary Musical Expressions and Cultural Resonances in Canada (2020). She is co-author, with Ursula A. Kelly, of The Music of Our Burnished Axes: Songs and Stories of the Woods Workers of Newfoundland and Labrador (2018), and co-producer of a traveling, multimedia exhibit and forthcoming website on the cultural legacies of Newfoundland and Labrador’s overseas forestry units of the First and Second World Wars. Meghan is producer of an award-winning multimedia exhibit and website on Acadian dance traditions on Prince Edward Island (Canada), as well as producer of and contributor to various media projects published by the MMaP Research Centre.
Meghan holds a PhD in Ethnomusicology from the University of Toronto and was awarded the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching from Memorial University. Her research has received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Memorial University, the Association of Sound Recording Collections, the Helen Creighton Folklore Society, and the Sir Ernest MacMillan Memorial Foundation.

Dr Sean Dettman
Sean was born and raised in Rockford, Illinois and studied History and Literature at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater (B.A.) before undertaking his postgraduate work at the School of Advanced Studies, University of London.
Sean has been involved in establishing JICAS (Jersey International Center of Advanced Studies) from the very early stages and was appointed director in 2018. He also serves as the programme coordinator for the MSc Island Biodiversity and Conservation. In addition to his position with JICAS, Sean lectures at University College Jersey. His main research interests are 20th Century US social history and 20th Century Anglo-American political and social history.
Dr Priya Bahadoor
Priya is a Lecturer at the University of Mauritius under the Department of History and Political Science, specialising in contemporary history. After the completion of her studies at the University of Mauritius (Degree in History with International Relations in 2011 and Masters in Historical Studies (By Research) in 2011, she completed her PhD in contemporary history at the Université de La Réunion in 2019. Her research areas include History of the Indian Ocean, island communities of the Indian Ocean and social and cultural history of Mauritius.
Selected Publications
Conflits territoriaux de l’Indianocéanie. Dire l’Océan Indien. Presses Universitaires Indianocéanique, 2017
Le canal du Mozambique, l’espace aux enjeux multiples pour la France. Le Mozambique et le canal du Mozambique. Presses Universitaires Indianocéanique(2019)

Dr Glenda Tibe Bonifacio
Glenda Tibe Bonifacio is a natural-born Filipino who lives in Canada. In response to the massive destruction brought by super typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, she co-founded ReadWorld Foundation in 2014 to support schools affected by disasters rebuild library resources. In 2016, Glenda co-founded SNAC+ (Support Network for Academics of Colour+) to promote racial justice and equity on campus. From 1991 to 2000, she was an Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of the Philippines Visayas at Tacloban College. She completed her Ph.D. at the School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong in Australia. Glenda is a full professor in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Her current research projects focus on the experiences of Filipinos during the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta and Hiroshima funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and gender equality and foreign aid in post-disaster communities in the Philippines funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, Canada). She serves as one of the editors of the new periodic section on genders, sexualities, and feminisms of the Island Studies Journal.
Selected publications:
Author, Pinay on the Prairies: Filipino Women and transnational Identities (UBC Press, 2013)
Editor, Global Youth Migration and Gendered Modalities (Policy Press, 2019)
Editor, Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms: Canadian and International Perspectives (Emerald Press, 2018)
Editor, Gender and Rural Migration: Realities, Conflict, and Change (Routledge, 2014)
Editor, Feminism and Migration: Cross-cultural Engagements (Springer, 2012)

Thais Franken
Thaïs is a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts & Science and teaches in both the Social Work & Development (SWD) and Organization, Governance & Management (OGM) bachelor programs at the University of Aruba. She is an alumna of the OGM program and holds a double Master of Science degree in Public Policy and Human Development from Maastricht University and the United Nations University Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) with a specialization in “Innovation, Institutions, and Development”. Besides teaching, she is a researcher for the Aruba Institute of Good Governance & Leadership (*GG&L), an independent, multi-disciplinary, and not-for-profit competence center of the University of Aruba that focuses on research and capacity building activities. Thais is also a PhD candidate and intends to research how formal and informal civil society networks in the social-cultural sector on small island communities, specifically Aruba and Bonaire, impact policy-making processes. In her role of an academic researcher she also represents Aruba as an executive board member for the Caribbean Research Acquisition Forum (CARAF).
Selected publications
Franken, T (2018) Placing Culture and Creativity at the Heart of the Aruban Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Research of the Possible Economic, Cultural, and Social Impact of a Creative Industry. The University of Aruba, Faculty of Arts & Science. Oranjestad, Aruba.
Franken, T (2019) The Road Towards an Innovative Aruba: A Q-Analysis on the Synergy Between the Creative Industry and Knowledge Economy as a Driver to Stimulate Socio-Economic Development in Aruba’s Local Innovation System. The University of Maastricht, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation & Technology. Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Alofs, L & Franken, T (2021) Op weg naar verduurzaming van impact: Een analyse van noden in Caribisch Nederland en van aangrijpingspunten voor een programmatische aanpak door de Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben. Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership. University of Aruba.
Alofs, L, Bant, J & Franken, T (2022) Het maakt uit waar je bibliotheek staat: Maatschappelijke uitdagingen en een Nederlands Caribische netwerk agenda. Aruba Institute for Good Governance & Leadership. University of Aruba.